Assembling Cushcraft A3S Tri-Band Beam (tower project part 5)

Published: 4/3/2021

The tower project was trucking right along, but it would need an antenna! I had enough room in the workshop to assemble the boom as well as all three elements of the Cushcraft A3S tri-band beam. I ran into a little trouble with one of the tubing sections being a bit out of round. I fixed it up as well as I could and then used a rubber mallet to persuade it the rest of the way. I also mixed up a couple of the tubing sections, even though the instructions were clear, and had to tap them back apart. In the end, it only took a couple of evenings after work. I worked slow and double-checked all of my measurements (good thing, too!)

Tagged: Amateur Radio and Electronics, The Clubhouse Project

Previous in Amateur Radio and Electronics: Installing Yaesu G-1000 Rotator (tower project part 4)
Next in Amateur Radio and Electronics: Installing Cushcraft A3S Tri-Band Beam (tower project part 6)

Previous in The Clubhouse Project: Installing Yaesu G-1000 Rotator (tower project part 4)
Next in The Clubhouse Project: Installing Cushcraft A3S Tri-Band Beam (tower project part 6)

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Aaron D. Parks